姓名: 苏彬彬
[1]Su B, Huang L, Huang W, Wang X*. The load carrying capacity of textured sliding bearings with elastic deformation. Tribology International. 2017;109:86-96. SCI收录
[2]Su B, Huang L, Huang W, Wang X*. Observation on the deformation of dimpled surface in soft-EHL contacts. Tribology International. 2018;119:521-30. SCI收录
[3]Su B, Huang W, Wang X*. Geometrical Shape Effects of Surface Texture on the Elastic Deformation in Soft-EHL Contacts. Tribology Transaction. 2019;62(4):592-602. SCI收录
[4]Su B, Huang W, Wang X*. Distribution Effect of Surface Texture on the Elastic Deformation in Soft Contacts. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 71/10 (2019) 1194–1199. SCI收录
[5]Binbin Su; Xianghe Zou; Lirong Huang*. Numerical investigation of squeeze film lubrication on bioinspired hexagonal patterned surface, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2022, 74(1): 144-152. SCI收录
[6]Binbin Su, Jianhe Ye,Xianghe Zou,Lirong Huang and Xiaolei Wang*. Effect of bionic hexagonal texture on squeezing films inside soft contacts with high adhesion and high friction. Soft Matter, 2023, 19, 4697-4705. SCI收录
[7]Jianhe Ye, Pengfei Zhan, Jincheng Zeng, Honglin Kuang, Yongfang Deng, Kuangang Fan, Binbin Su*. Concise Magnetic Force Model for Halbach-Type Magnet Arrays and its Application in Permanent Magnetic Guideway Optimization. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 587 (2023) 171301. SCI收录
[8]Jianhe Ye, Pengfei Zhan, Jincheng Zeng, Honglin Kuang, Yongfang Deng, Binbin Su*. Mortise-tenon structural design for improving initial permanent magnetic guideway irregularity in the maglev vehicle system. International Journal of Vehicle Design. 2024, 95, 137-152. SCI收录
[9].Honglin Kuang, Minming Shi, Pengfei Zhan, Gao Wu, Binbin Su*. Vibration Characterization of Permanent Magnet Levitation Vehicle System Based on Permanent Magnetic Track Relationships[J].International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2025, 2550238. Doi:10.1142/S0219455425502384. SCI收录
[10]Mingmin Shi, Binbin Su, Honglin Kuang, Wu Gao, Yongfang Deng, Kun Cao. Dynamic Interaction Analysis of a Coupled System of Permanent Maglev Train and Flexible Track Beam [J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2025. doi:10.1142/S0219455426500264. SCI收录
[11]叶建和,占鹏飞,曾金成,邝宏林,邓永芳,苏彬彬 *. Halbach 型磁浮列车永磁轨道的空间磁场计算模型. 磁性材料及器件 . 2024 ,55 (05):6-10.
1.主持国家自然科学基金项目:“仿生柔性湿滑界面液膜演化行为诱导的摩擦黏附增效机制”(52305310), 2024.1~2026.12. 在研
2.主持江西省自然科学基金项目:“悬挂式永磁磁浮车辆-轨道耦合动力学研究”(20224BAB214043), 2023.1~2025.12. 在研
3.主持江西省教育厅科技计划项目:“基于挤压快速排液的弹性体仿生表面织构设计”(GJJ190506), 2020.1~2022.12. 结题
4.主持博士启动项目“基于流体动压效应的仿生表面织构设计” (205200100534),2021.01-2023.12,结题
5.主持江西省磁悬浮技术重点实验室开放课题:“永磁悬浮车辆系统动力学特性研究” 2022.1~2023.12. 结题
1.苏彬彬, 邓永芳, 占鹏飞, 杨杰. 悬挂式永磁悬浮交通转向架及轨道机械结构. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN202110922849.4.
2.苏彬彬, 邓永芳, 占鹏飞, 杨杰. 内嵌式永磁悬浮交通悬浮架及轨道机械结构. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN202110922873.8.
3.苏彬彬, 邓永芳, 占鹏飞, 杨杰. 内嵌式永磁悬浮交通悬浮架及轨道机械结构. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN202110922873.8.
4.苏彬彬, 叶建和, 邓永芳, 占鹏飞, 杨杰. 永磁轨道及永磁悬浮系统. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN202110922873.8. CN 202210931325.6.
5.苏彬彬, 叶建和, 占鹏飞, 陈智超, 杨杰. 悬挂式永磁磁浮轨道梁内宽检测装置. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN 202310430036.2.
6.苏彬彬, 邝宏林,叶建和, 占鹏飞, 胡海林. 永磁悬浮车辆动力学建模仿真方法及装置. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN 202410164594.3.
7.苏彬彬, 邝宏林,曾金成, 占鹏飞, 胡海林. 基于永磁悬浮原理的主动可调减振器及车辆. 中国发明专利,专利号:CN 202410319735.4.
8.苏彬彬, 邝宏林,曾金成, 占鹏飞, 胡海林. 模拟永磁悬浮轨道交通磁轨关系的测试试验台. 实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2024 2 0848926.5.
1.指导全国三维数字化创新设计大赛获江西赛区一等奖, 2022年;
2.指导蓝桥杯大赛获江西赛区二等奖, 2022年。