![说明: C:\Users\lds\Desktop\刘道生相片.jpg](/__local/8/C1/27/23461B91D1886E67259293137C2_3D76D085_CF9.jpg)
姓 名: 刘道生
[1] Daosheng Liu,Zhengyang Guo, Jin Ding, Xiangdong Xu. Thermal aging effect on properties of pure and doped nano-TiO2 cellulose pressboard [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(1): 125-132.
[2]Daosheng Liu, Xingrong Chen,Zhengyang Guo, Jing Ye, Xiangdong Xu. Frequency Domain Spectroscopy and Charge Trap Characteristics of Cellulose Based Pressboard Modified by Nano-TiO2Particles [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(5): 1523-1529.
[3]Daosheng Liu, Chunhua Zhou, Zhengyang Guo and Jin Ding. Electrical Aging Effect on Breakdown and Charge Trap Characteristics of Polyimide Films with Different Thickness in LN2[J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2021, 31 (8): 7800604.
[4]Daosheng Liu,Jing Ye, Zhengyang Guo. Electrical characteristics of the pressboard modified by nano-TiO2for different electrical ageing stages [J]. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2020, 14(9): 722-730.
[5]Daosheng Liu, Jiachen Li, Romaric Kammeugue Noubissi, Shihui Wang, Xiangdong Xu, Qianming Liu. Magnetic properties and vibration characteristics of amorphous alloy strip and its combination [J]. IET Electrical Power Application, 2019, 13(10): 1589-1597.
[6]D.S. Liu, J.C. Li, S.H. Wang and S.Y. Yang and J. Ye. Detection and Analysis of Fault for HTS AMDT Cores by Magnetostriction-Induced Vibration[J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(2): 5500705.
[7]D.S. Liu,J.C. Li, S.H. Wang, S.Y. Yang, Y. Lin, Z.H. Qi and M.Q. Yan. Stability of Properties on Magnetic Ribbon and Cores with Domestic Fe-Based Amorphous Alloy for HTS AMDT[J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2019, 29(2): 5500805.
[8]Daosheng Liu, Boxue Du, Muqiu Yan, Shihui Wang and Xiping Liu. Investigation of electrification and breakdown strength about transformer oil/pressboard [J]. IET Electrical Power Application, 2017, 11(3): 386-392.
[10] 刘道生,袁威,魏博凯,李家晨.基于IPSO的非晶合金干式变压器优化设计[J].制造业自动化,2021,43(01):126-130.
[11] 刘道生,陈星蓉,赵子明.基于等裕度的60kV油纸套管纵绝缘优化[J].绝缘材料,2020,53(10):62-68.
[12] 刘道生,刘宁,叶敬,李家晨,王仕会.换流变压器在多参数下的油流带电现象及其对击穿强度影响[J].高压电器,2020,56(02):122-127.
[13] 刘道生,魏博凯,钟伟.基于IGA的非晶合金干式变压器优化设计[J].制造业自动化,(拟于2022年10月出版)
[14] D. Liu, L. Zhang, X. Chen and C. Zhou, Electrical Characteristics of Polyimide Film modified by Nanoparticle in LN [C] IEEE International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment (ICEMPE 2021),2021.
[15] D. Liu, C. Zhou, K Wang,X. Chen. Space Charge Distribution Characteristics of Pressboard Modified by Nano-TiO2 at Different Temperature Gradients[C] 2021 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Equipment and Reliable Operation(IAEERO)Beijing,CHINA,2021.
[16] D. Liu, C. Cai, B. Wei and M. Yan, Investigation on the AMDT Core Model Vibration by Harmonic Response Analysis and Validation of the Resonance Characteristics by Testing [C]. 2020 8th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD), Phuket, Thailand, 2020.
[17] D. Liu,Z. Zhao and X. Chen, "Main Insulation Structure Optimization of OIP Capacitive Bushing Base on Temperature Gradient [C]. 2020 8th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD), Phuket, Thailand, 2020.
[18] D. Liu, Y. Zhao and X. Chen, Electrical Characteristics of Cellulose Pressboard Modified by Nano-TiO2in Mineral and Vegetable Mixed Oil [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Beijing, China, 2020.
[19] D. Liu, X. Chen and Y. Zhao, Electrical Strength of Composite Insulation System for Polyimide Film Based Cellulose Pressboard[C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Beijing, China, 2020.
[20] D. Liu, B. Wei, C. Cai and W. Yuan, Optimization Design of Amorphous Metal Distribution Transformer Based on Improved Fast and Elitist Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Beijing, China, 2020.
[21] D. Liu, C. Cai, Y. Zhao and M. Yan, Investigation on the AMDT Core Vibration by Modal Analysis and Validation of the Noise Reduction Effect by Testing Platform [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Beijing, China, 2020.
[22] D. Liu, C. Cai, B. Wei, Z. Guo and J. Ding, Investigation on the AMDT Core Model Resonance Characteristics by Harmonic Response Analysis [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices (ASEMD), Tianjin, China, 2020.
[23] D. Liu,J. Ding, Z. Guo, B. Wei and C. Cai, Effect on AC Breakdown and Trap Distribution of Polyimide Film's Electrical Aging in Liquid Nitrogen [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices (ASEMD), Tianjin, China, 2020.
[24] D. Liu,Z. Guo and J. Ding, Investigation on the Electrical Property of Nano-TiO2/Liquid Nitrogen Immersed Multilayer Composite PI Films [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices (ASEMD), Tianjin, China, 2020.
[25] D. Liu,B. Wei, C. Cai, J. Ding and Z. Guo, TOC Optimization Design of Amorphous Metal Core Distribution Transformer Based on NSGA-II [C]. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices (ASEMD), Tianjin, China, 2020.
[26] D. Liu,J. Li, C. Cai and R. K. Noubissi, Investigation on the AMDT Core Model Vibration by FEA and Validation of the Vibration Characteristics by the Testing Platform [C]. 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Harbin, China, 2019.
[27] D. Liuet al., Suppression Mechanism of TiO2for the Partial Discharge of Oil-paper Insulation in Intensive Electric Field [C]. 2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Roma, Italy, 2019.
[28] D. Liu, J. Ye, X. Xu, C. G. Deng and X. Li, Optimization of Mass Fraction and Particle Size of TiO2Additives in Application of HVDC Transformer Insulation[C]. 2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Roma, Italy, 2019.
[29] D. Liuet al., Investigation on Heating Aging Mechanism of Cellulose Paper for Oil-Immersed Transformer Main Insulation [C]. 2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Roma, Italy.
[30] D. Liu, J. Li, S. Wang, Y. Lin and Z. Qi, Stability of Magnetic Properties on HTS Fe-Based Amorphous Metal Alloy [C]. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices (ASEMD), Tianjin, 2018.
[31] D. Liu, S. Wang, M. Yan, N. Liu, X. Liu and B. Du, Study of electrification and breakdown about transformer oil/pressboard [C]. 2017 IEEE 19th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL), Manchester, UK, 2017.
[32] Daosheng Liu, Jin Ding, Zhengyang Guo, et al. Interface Charge Accumulation and Decay Characteristics of Nano-TiO2Modified Oil Paperboard under DC and Polarity Reversal Voltage[C]. The 16th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, Xian, China, IET.
[33] Daosheng Liu, Zhengyang Guo, Jin Ding,et al. Effect of Thermal Aging on Electrical Characteristics of Modified Pressboard Insulation of Converter Transformer[C]. The 16th International Conference on ACDC Power Transmission, Xian, China, IET, 2020. (EI)
[34] Daosheng Liu;Liang Zhang;Xingrong Chen;Chunhua Zhou.Electrical Characteristics of Polyimide Film modified by Nanoparticle in LN[C]. 2021 International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment (ICEMPE), Chongqing, China, IEE, 2021. (EI)
[35] Jiachen Li;Daosheng Liu;Peng Li.Characteristics Analysis and Experimental Verification of Amorphous Metal Distribution Transformer Core Vibration Coupled by Electromagnetic - Mechanical Field[C]. 2021 International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment (ICEMPE), Chongqing, China, IEE, 2021. (EI)
[1]刘道生,蔡昌万,李辉明,韩明.一种采用有源降噪的变压器消声器,发明专利,中国,申请号:ZL 201910620070X
[2]刘道生,韩明,巫伟国,李辉明.一种非晶合金干式变压器高压线圈,实用新型专利,中国,申请号:ZL 201720138388.0
序号 |
项目、课题名称(下达编号) |
来源 |
起止时间 |
负责人 姓名 |
科研 经费 (万元) |
1 |
换流变压器阀侧油纸带电与放电演变规律及其抑制机理研究 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2022.1-2025.12 |
刘道生 |
36 |
2 |
新型永磁辅助式磁阻电机转矩提升机理与脉动抑制策略研究 (52167005) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2022.1-2025.12 |
黄朝志 |
36 |
3 |
永磁自旋式新型机械变磁通永磁电机设计与调磁机理研究(51767009) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2018.1-2021.13 |
刘细平 |
40 |
4 |
新型机械变磁通轴向磁场永磁同步电机磁通调节机理及分析设计研究(51267006) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2013.1-2016.12 |
刘细平 |
49 |
5 |
基于漏磁可控的反凸极永磁同步电机调磁机理分析与电流控制策略研究 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2021.1-2024.12 |
刘细平 |
36 |
6 |
高温超导非晶合金变压器主绝缘击穿特性研究(5176070081) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2018.1-2021.12 |
刘道生 |
40 |
7 |
信息物理融合系统的时空建模与资源优化管理研究(61363011) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2014.1-2017.12 |
周克良 |
46 |
8 |
离子交换法钨冶炼过程建模与控制策略研究(61364014) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2014.1-2017.12 |
刘飞飞 |
47 |
9 |
多状态系统性能退化与状态迁移映射机制及其可靠性测度研究(61463012) |
国家自然科学基金 |
201501-201812 |
古莹奎 |
46 |
10 |
新型双转子轴向磁通切换型混合励磁发电机及其控制系统研究 |
国家自然科学基金 |
2011.11-2013.12 |
刘细平 |
21 |
11 |
国家留学基金(CSC201808360061) |
国家留学基金委 |
2018.10-2019.11 |
刘道生 |
15 |
12 |
多物理场耦合作用下油流带电导致换流变压器主绝缘击穿能力下降机理研究(20192ACBL20016) |
江西省自然科学基金 |
2019.7-2021.7 |
刘道生 |
20 |
13 |
旋转磁极式新型机械变磁通永磁电机设计与分析研究(20181BAB206035) |
江西省自然科学基金 |
2019.1-2021.12 |
刘细平 |
6 |
14 |
高温超导非晶合金变压器主绝缘改性材料及其击穿特性研究(20171BAB206043) |
江西省自然科学基金 |
2017.1-2019.12 |
刘道生 |
6 |
15 |
基于CPS的流程工业生产过程的优化控制策略研究(20151BAB207024) |
江西省自然科学基金 |
2015.1-2017.12 |
周克良 |
5 |
16 |
江西省青年科学家培养对象项目(20153BCB23012) |
江西省科技厅 |
2015.1-2017.12 |
刘细平 |
10 |
17 |
汽车同步器智能制造热前生产线数字化车间 |
江西省工业与信息化委员会 |
2016.1-2018.12 |
黄朝志 |
25 |
18 |
电动汽车用高性能稀土永磁磁阻同步电机设计与应用(20151BBE50109) |
江西省科技厅 |
201501-201612 |
刘细平 |
15 |
19 |
基于漏磁原理的离心式磁通切换调磁电机分析与设计研究(GJJ160598) |
江西省教育厅 |
201701-201912 |
刘细平 |
5 |
20 |
大容量储能系统监控管理关键技术研究(GJJ150678) |
江西省教育厅 |
201601-201712 |
于仲安 |
3 |
21 |
矿井电网暂态信号特征辨识与故障定位研究(GJJ13389) |
江西省教育厅 |
201301-201512 |
黄朝志 |
2 |
22 |
国产带材非晶合金变压器性能提升技术研究 |
浙江省博士后基金 |
201606-201803 |
刘道生 |
3 |
23 |
磁路并联式轴向磁通切换混合励磁电机应用基础研究 |
江西省自然科学基金项目 |
2013.11-2015.12 |
刘细平 |
3 |
24 |
定子分割型轴向磁场混合励磁永磁电机关键技术研究 |
江西省教育厅科技计划项目 |
2012.11-2014.12 |
刘细平 |
2.5 |
25 |
“清江青年英才支持计划”拔尖人才项目 |
江西理工大学 |
201607-202107 |
刘细平 |
50 |
26 |
企业生产过程智能化和信息化关键技术 |
江西理工大学重大科技计划 |
201701-201912 |
周克良 |
100 |
序号 |
获奖项目名称 |
奖励名称 |
奖励等级 |
授奖单位 |
类别 |
获奖日期 |
获奖者及排名 |
1 |
高效节能型低噪声非晶合金变压器关键技术及其产业化 |
中国有色金属工业科技成果奖 |
二等奖 |
中国有色金属协会 |
省部级 |
2020.6 |
刘道生(1),刘飞飞(2) |
2 |
工业废渣烧结砖自动码坯与编垛捆包系统装备技术及其产业化 |
中国有色金属工业科学技术奖 |
二等奖 |
中国有色金属协会 |
省部级 |
2015.11 |
刘飞飞(1),周克良(7) |
3 |
高效免拆带的有色金属铸锭打包机研制及应用 |
中国有色金属工业科学技术奖 |
二等奖 |
中国有色金属协会 |
省部级 |
2016.11 |
刘飞飞(1),周克良(7),黄朝志(9) |
序号 |
专利名称 |
发明人 |
专利号∕登记号 |
类 型 |
时间 |
1 |
变磁通永磁能量转换设备 |
刘细平 |
ZL201710392333.7 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201705 公开日:201901 |
2 |
离心式变磁通永磁同步电机 |
刘细平 |
ZL201811230564.9 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201810 公开日:201912 |
3 |
一种模拟测量装置 |
刘道生 |
CN201610621926.1 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201608 公开日:201901 |
4 |
一种强油风冷变压器油纸的带电度模拟测试装置 |
刘道生 |
CN201610623548.0 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201608 公开日:201612 |
5 |
一种采用微穿孔板的非晶合金油浸式变压器 |
刘道生 |
CN201610034433.8 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201601 公开日:201605 |
6 |
具有降噪功能的非晶合金油浸式变压器油箱 |
刘道生 |
CN201520045311.X |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201501 公告日:201701 |
7 |
一种采用有源降噪的变压器消声器 |
刘道生 |
CN201910620070.X |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201907 公布日:201909 |
8 |
一种测试变压器噪声的方法及装置 |
刘道生 |
CN201610908437.4 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201610 公布日:201701 |
9 |
一种降低非晶合金铁心噪音的方法及其测试装置 |
刘道生 |
CN201510031800.4 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201501 公开日:201505 |
10 |
一种大齿圈模压淬火装置 |
黄朝志 |
ZL201811230564.9 |
国家发明专利授权 |
申请日:201804 公开日:201911 |
11 |
电机测试装置 |
刘细平 |
CN202010003477.0 |
国家发明专利受理 |
申请日:202001 公开日:202004 |
12 |
一种电机控制器和自动化设备 |
刘细平 |
CN202010012829.9 |
国家发明专利受理 |
申请日:202001 公开日:202005 |
13 |
电网电压不平衡时基于直接功率控制的虚拟同步发电机控制方法 |
刘飞飞 |
CN201810434081.4 |
国家发明专利受理 |
申请日:201805 公开日:201809 |
序号 |
论文、专著名称 |
作者 |
刊物、出版社名称 |
类别 |
年、卷、期、页(检索号) |
1 |
Investigation of electrification and breakdown strength about transformer oil/pressboard |
Liu Daosheng(1); Liu Xiping(4) |
IET Electric Power Applications |
SCI(二区) |
2017, 11(3): 386-392 (000398172400010) |
2 |
Magnetic properties and vibration characteristics of amorphous alloy strip and its combination |
Liu Daosheng(1) |
IET Electrical Power Application |
SCI(二区) |
2019,13(10),1589-1597 (000489635800018) |
3 |
Modelling and analysis of a novel mechanical-variable-flux IPM machine with rotatable magnetic poles |
Liu Xiping(1) |
IET Electric Power Applications |
SCI(二区) |
2020,14(11),2044-2050 (20204409414896) |
4 |
Electrical characteristics of the pressboard modified by nano-TiO2 for different electrical ageing stages |
Liu Daosheng(1) |
IET Science, Measurement & Technology |
SCI(三区) |
2020,14(9),722-730 (20204709516401) |
5 |
Effects of multiple parameters on static electrification and breakdown strength of transformer oil |
Liu Daosheng(1); Liu Feifei(3) |
IET Science, Measurement & Technology |
SCI(三区) |
2016, 10(6),597-601 (000383470600007) |
6 |
Detection and analysis of fault for HTSAMDT cores by magnetostriction-induced vibration |
Liu Daosheng(1) |
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity |
SCI(三区) |
2019, 29(2),5500705 (000454948600001) |
7 |
Stability of properties on magnetic ribbon and cores with domestic Fe-based amorphous alloy for HTS AMDT |
Liu Daosheng(1) |
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity |
SCI(三区) |
2019, 29(2),5500805 (000457335900001) |
8 |
Analysis and design of a high power density permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machine with low-cost ferrite magnets for EVs/HEVs |
Liu Xiping(1) |
The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering |
SCI(四区) |
2016, 35(6): 1949-1964 (000390694200006) |
9 |
Analysis and design of an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine with double-layer PMs for electric vehicles based on multi-physics fields |
Liu Xiping(2) |
The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering |
SCI(四区) |
2018, 37(1): 118-135 (000423194100006) |
10 |
Finite element analysis and dynamics simulation of mechanical flux-varying PM machines with auto-rotary PMs |
Huang Chaozhi(1); Liu Xiping(3) |
Journal of Power Electronics |
SCI(四区) |
2019, 19(3): 744-750 (000468345100012) |
11 |
变磁通轴向磁场永磁电机机械动力学分析与弱磁能力研究 |
刘细平(1) |
电工技术学报 |
EI |
2016,31(23):54-62 (20165203188721) |
12 |
电动汽车用双层永磁体IPMSM优化分析 |
刘细平(1) |
电机与控制学报 |
EI |
2017,21(10):30-39 (20174704430850) |
13 |
机械调磁式轴向永磁同步电机调磁特性分析与试验研究 |
刘细平(1) |
电工技术学报 |
EI |
2018,33(05):989-997 (20183105618322) |
14 |
同塔四回输电线路故障选线新方案 |
于仲安(1) |
电力自动化设备 |
EI |
2019,39(11):127-132 (20195107869716) |
15 |
永磁同步电机多参数辨识方法研究 |
刘细平(1) |
电工技术学报 |
EI |
2020,35(06):1198-1207 (20201608417008) |
16 |
磁极旋转式新型变磁通永磁同步电机弱磁性能分析 |
刘细平(1) |
电工技术学报 |
EI |
2020,35(15):3182-3190 (20203609148371) |
17 |
改进粒子群算法的永磁同步电机多参数辨识 |
刘细平(1) |
电机与控制学报 |
EI |
2020,24(7):112-120 (20203309036531) |
18 |
混压同塔四回线故障测距 |
于仲安(1) |
南方电网技术 |
2020 |
19 |
DSP控制技术与应用 |
任志斌 |
中国电力出版社 |
编著 |
201505 |
20 |
交流伺服控制系统 |
任志斌 |
机械工业出版社 |
编著 |
201806 |
21 |
基于STM32的无刷直流电机控制与实践 |
任志斌 |
中国电力出版社 |
编著 |
201908 |